EcoPellets Tasmania began manufacturing wood pellets in 2019 after seeing the amount of timber waste being produced from plantation timber in Tasmania.

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Your guide to smoker pellets

k999 By k999 2021-08-19
What are the best wood pellets? Are wood pellets toxic? Questions like these are famous in the grilling world. After all, you want that precious meal on the grill grates to turn out the best it can be.
Here are some things you’ll want to consider when choosing your wood pellets.

How are wood pellets made?

Our wood pellets come straight from the earth starting with a tree. From there it’s chipped, milled, and then heat compressed into small cylindrical pellets–perfect for smoldering and smoking in your pellet grill. Before they leave the mill, each batch is tested and inspected for quality purposes.

Look for food-grade

Be sure that you are using only food-grade pellets for cooking with your pellet grill. Some grillers will tell you that heating pellets (that is, wood pellets used in wood-burning stoves) will work just as well, but this isn’t necessarily true.
In short, since heating pellets are not produced with food consumption in mind, there are no real standards you can count on when it comes to safe wood sources and binders. This isn’t an issue if you’re using the wood to heat your home; but when you’re talking about food, you could be risking more than just the taste.

Stay safe and cook smart with food-grade wood pellets. EcoPellets are high-quality wood pellets,Eco Friendly,Economical,High Quality,Sustainable.

Choose the best flavor

Next, you want to pair the best pellets with the meal you’re cooking on the grill. The “flavor” of the pellets has less to do with the actual flavor of the wood and more to do with the strength of the smoke flavor you get from burning it. You can think of pellet flavor on a scale from mild to strong; mild flavors work best with delicate foods, while strong flavors work best with heartier foods.
Now, one of the great options available for wood-based fuel sources is wood pellets. A newer fuel source to the barbecue game, wood pellets are a versatile way to achieve a great smoky flavor in your outdoor cooking.

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