Wood pellets provide excellent heat and less ash. Ecopellets Tasmania can be delivered in Australia at competitive prices from our factory in Tasmania.
We recognize that when consumers consider purchasing a pellets heater, pellets supply is their primary concern. While Australians want to benefit from pellets heating, supplies of high-quality pellets are scarce.
We are changing that. We have been producing and selling wood pellets at our factory in Tasmania since 2019.
The benefits of wood pellets:
- Lower emissions compared to firewood
- Good for the environment as they’re made from recycled biomass
- Convenient 15Kg bags that are easy to carry and store
- No chopping firewood
- No stoking
- No splinters, spiders or snakes
- Minimal to no smoke
- Low ash
- No back aches from swinging the axe
- An asthma-friendly alternative to wood heating
Wood pellets efficiency
As consumers who buy and use wood pellets, people should be most concerned about the combustion efficiency of wood pellets.
The moisture content of wood pellets is between 9-10%. This means the pellets burn hot, with little smoke and very low ash content. Therefore, pellets are more efficient than firewood because they burn off less water before generating heat.